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About Us

Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

about the company

Welcome To QLQ Company

QLQ is located in Shiling Town, Guangzhou. With the experience of making high-quality zipper machines & slider machines and providing production solution for more than 20 years in the zipper machine industry.


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Product Quality Index


Energy Generation

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QLQ Zipper Solution

‘Looking For Agents’

Best Solutions Supplier


Real-life strategy to reach your goals.

All machines used in the production of zippers:Long-chain machines, zipper finishing machines, zipper plating machines, polishing machines, slider assembly machines, luggage accessories machines, finished zippers, luggage hardware, leather, chemicals, raw materials for zippers, and more!

  • Add: Building 7, No. 12, Vanyang Yingfu Industrial Park, Taiping Town, Qingxin District, Qingyuan,Guangdong Province, China 510850

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Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

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Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

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Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

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Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

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Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

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  • Add: Building 7, No. 12, Vanyang Yingfu Industrial Park, Taiping Town, Qingxin District, Qingyuan,Guangdong Province, China 510850

Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier
Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier
Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier
Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier
Quality Zipper Making Solution Supplier

Our customer wants to order zippers
for Supply To America

Due to tariffs and pricing reasons, our customers are looking for a factory to help produce zippers.

Real-life results

We Generate Results for Our Customers

We generate results for our customers

“As a large-scale apparel manufacturer, we have extremely high requirements for zipper production efficiency and quality. Your zipper manufacturing solutions and equipment have helped us significantly improve production efficiency and reduce costs. The consistency and reliability of our zippers have made our products more popular in the market. Thank you very much for your company’s technical support and excellent service.”

Production Manager Of A Clothing Brand